Our website’s link is: https://mymobileguru.com/. Our main aim is to provide the best phone comparison experience worldwide, using automated tools!

When you leave a comment on our website, we collect basic information like your email and username. We used to record your IP address too, but we’ve turned that off to respect your privacy.

If you have a Gravatar account linked to your email, we might use a hashed version of your email to display your profile picture next to your comment. Your comment and picture may be visible to the public once approved.

If you comment on our site, you can choose to save your name, email, and website in cookies. This makes it easier for you to comment again without re-entering your details. These cookies last for one year.

We also use cookies to remember your preference for dark or white mode when browsing our site. These cookies are simple and don’t store any personal data.

Embedded Content
Sometimes, our articles include content like videos or images from other websites. This content behaves the same way as if you visited those sites directly. They may collect data about you using cookies and tracking, but we don’t control their actions.

Sharing Your Data
We don’t share any personal data collected from comments with anyone. Only administrators at MyMobileGuru can see this information.

Data Retention
Comments and their details are stored indefinitely so we can manage and approve follow-up comments automatically.

Your Rights
If you want us to delete your comments and personal data, you can contact us through the provided contact us form.

Spam Detection
We use an automated service called Akismet, Google’s reCAPTCHA to check for spam in visitor comments.

Google Analytics 4
We use Google Analytics 4 to track article popularity and visitor statistics. GA4 masks IP addresses by default and doesn’t share data with third-party services, so we don’t need to ask for consent in the EU.